What a fantastic time we had a Rosemary Beach last weekend! I brought 2 of my friends and painting students, Kirsten and Julia, from St. Paul down to the panhandle of Florida for a most fun
Women's Getaway Weekend event put on by the wonderful Kim Jameson and Kathy Kemp. Carole, my twin sister, brought her band
Sister Grace girls, Tina, Stephanie and Whitney and friends, Julie, Marcia and Leslie. We stayed in a beautiful home given to us for the weekend by a couple from Montgomery, AL. Thanks to them!!! This event draws women from all over the country, and it is to raise money for Caring and Sharing. Enjoy the photos below!
(Blogger somehow messed up the original post and did away with all photos. Here are more photos - out of order, but at least they're up!)

Julia, in her dress she found at Saint Tropez in Seaside, FL! Yes, it looks GREAT! (I'm painting this as we speak!) Painting

Rosemary details of great architecture...

Mrs. Kim Jameson's cool bike and personalized tag!

Julie, doing her bench thing!

Kirsten, doing her bench thing!

Julia, doing her bench thing!

Sister Grace, doing their bench thing!

Carole, shopping the sidewalk sale at Saint Tropez! (Check out my
blog for a painting of this!)

Dark shadow, me!

Rosemary main street early Sat. morning. We ate at Penzione's the night we arrived - AWESOME FOOD! We ate well everywhere we went...

All of us ate lunch at Cafe Rendezvous - delicious!

My turn to do the bench thing!

All the awesome painting students and their work! Way to go!!!!

Leslie, hard at painting...

The short-haired women's club!
Carole, Kim, and me!

Sister Grace in our beach shoot at sunset!

Mrs. Leslie sporting our weekend t-shirt featuring my "Bathers" painting!

Our first step out onto Rosemary Beach!

All of us except Kirsten and Julia after we arrived!

The early bird "Writers in the round" event with 4 of Nashville's promising great women singer/songwriters! They gave a most enjoyable concert each sharing several of their songs. Great event!!!

Jenn Schott, one of the songwriters!
Dear Claire and Carole,
Thank you, thank you and thank you for a wonderful girls weekend at Rosemary Beach. The photos you took are lovely reminders of the sheer fun we had. I look forward to next year!
Yes, next year will be fun again! I was so glad you and Kirsten got to go, and I'm thrilled you had a blast!
Oh, wow! What a fantastic group of photos, Sis! Photos to match the time we had--simply wonderful! Julia--so glad you could make it, you AND Kirsten. Loved being with you gals. Dreaming of next year....
Oh Claire! Those photos are fantastic!!! You should sell the one of the iron door with the pottery and I LOVE the one of Sister Grace!!!
Thanks, Leslie!
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