Even though he doesn't look very happy here (most recent shot of him), Sam turns 10 today! The other shot was last year sometime - just a favorite. We're celebrating with family tonight, and he's getting all baseball stuff - new mit, Twins jersey, and cleats from all of us. We'll see what the Grans got for him....!
Happy Birthday to SAM...WOW 10 years...and I bet they went by just like that (snap fingers here). Many BLESSINGS to SAM and his wonderful family. I hope he has a boatload of fun!
Sammy Doo!! I love you even though I missed your big day!! MM MMM!!! (That was a huge, big boy hug)
Aunt CarolE (see the E)
Happy birthday!! I so very clearly remember moving into double digits. (This was a very big deal for my older son as well. He got to go see Blue Man Group and tour China Town. He loved that birthday.)
I love that red background.
Hope the day was a happy one!
I remember turning two hands worth! :) hope he enjoyed his new baseball stuff! :) Love his eyes in that pic!
What a CUTIE! I remember being so excited about finally being in the double digits! Happy Birthday Sam! :)
Go Twins!!! Happy Birthday Sam!
Happy Birthday Sam!!!! ++
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