OK, you know how we sing lyrics to a song for years and not really knowing what they are? Now, with the world wide web, you can look up the lyrics to almost any song. I was singing to Benny and the Jets playing on KOOL 108 today and thought, "I don't know what in the world most of the whole first verse really is" and thought "I'm going to look them up when I get online again. Well, tonight, I looked them up and laughed so hard realizing, I've didn't know what in the heck I'd been singing for well, the last 30 years - and I realized that I've had about half the words all wrong! Check them out! Did you?

Hey kids, shake it loose together
The spotlight's hitting something
That's been known to change the weather
We'll kill the fatted calf tonight
So stick around
You're gonna hear electric music
Solid walls of sound
OK, you know how we sing lyrics to a song for years and not really knowing what they are? Now, with the world wide web, you can look up the lyrics to almost any song. I was singing to Benny and the Jets playing on KOOL 108 today and thought, "I don't know what in the world most of the whole first verse really is" and thought "I'm going to look them up when I get online again. Well, tonight, I looked them up and laughed so hard realizing, I've didn't know what in the heck I'd been singing for well, the last 30 years - and I realized that I've had about half the words all wrong! Check them out! Did you?

Hey kids, shake it loose together
The spotlight's hitting something
That's been known to change the weather
We'll kill the fatted calf tonight
So stick around
You're gonna hear electric music
Solid walls of sound
Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet
But they're so spaced out, Bennie and the Jets
Oh but they're weird and they're wonderful
Oh Bennie she's really keen
She's got electric boots a mohair suit
You know I read it in a magazine
Bennie and the Jets
But they're so spaced out, Bennie and the Jets
Oh but they're weird and they're wonderful
Oh Bennie she's really keen
She's got electric boots a mohair suit
You know I read it in a magazine
Bennie and the Jets
Hey kids, plug into the faithless
Maybe they're blinded
But Bennie makes them ageless
We shall survive, let us take ourselves along
Where we fight our parents out in the streets
To find who's right and who's wrong
Was fun to see them and know what the song is really about...! I know Elton must've been on some serious drugs back then, but I still love those songs...!
Maybe they're blinded
But Bennie makes them ageless
We shall survive, let us take ourselves along
Where we fight our parents out in the streets
To find who's right and who's wrong
Was fun to see them and know what the song is really about...! I know Elton must've been on some serious drugs back then, but I still love those songs...!
Oh, I thought it was called "Spinning In a Dress!" That's what Sarah would sing from backseat in her car seat when that would come on. She, at 2 years old, made more sense than Elton did. Ha!
OH, I remember that!!! Yes, much more sense...
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